

Resident Fonts:Nine alphanumeric fonts from 0.035"H (0.9mm) to 0.64"H (16mm) including OCR-A, OCR-B; CG Triumvirate smooth font (size and character set III) and a CG Triumvirate smooth font (10 point sizes 400and 12-point sizes 430).

Optional Fonts:∙ Proportional and monospaced available

PCL4 compatible font can be downloaded to the Printer

Character Density:33.83 CPI in font at 1x; 0.70 CPI in font 6 at 8x

Font Expansion/Rotation:

All fonts are expandable vertically and


horizontally up to 8x fonts.

Graphics can be printed in four directions:


0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°


Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 128 Codabar, LOGMARS, UPC- A, and UPC-E, EAN-8 and EAN-13, MSI Plessey, Universal Shipping Container Symbology, Code 39 variations to produce all industry standards (i.e., HIBC, AIAG, PDF-417 (203 DPI only), Postnet, and UCC/EAN 128

DMX400/430 Operator’s Manual
