HP Laser M601, Laser M602 manual Manage print cartridges, Change settings for print cartridges

Models: Laser M603 Laser M602 Laser M601

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Manage print cartridges

Correctly using, storing, and monitoring the print cartridge can help ensure high-quality print output.

Change settings for print cartridges

Print when a print cartridge is at estimated end of life

Black cartridge low message: The product indicates when a supply level is low. Actual print cartridge life remaining may vary. Consider having a replacement available to install when print quality is no longer acceptable. The supply does not need to be replaced now.

Black cartridge very low message: The product indicates when a supply level is very low. Actual supply life remaining may vary. Consider having a replacement available to install when print quality is no longer acceptable. The supply does not need to be replaced now unless the print quality is no longer acceptable. Print-quality problems may occur when using a supply that is at its estimated end of life.

Once an HP print cartridge has reached “Very Low”, HP’s Premium Protection Warranty on that print cartridge has ended. HP's Premium Protection Warranty applies only to the print cartridge for this product.

Enable or disable the Very Low Settings options from the control panel

You can enable or disable the default settings at any time, and you do not have to re-enable them when you install a new cartridge.

1.At the product control panel, press the Home button.

2.Open the following menus:


Manage Supplies

Supply Settings

Black Cartridge

Very Low Settings

3.Select one of the following options:

Select the Continue option to set the product to alert you that the cartridge is very low, but to continue printing.

NOTE: Using the Continue setting allows printing beyond Very Low without customer interaction and can result in unsatisfactory print quality.

Select the Stop option to set the product to stop printing until you replace the cartridge.

Select the Prompt to continue option to set the product to stop printing and prompt you to replace the cartridge. You can acknowledge the prompt and continue printing.

94 Chapter 7 Print cartridges


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HP Laser M601, Laser M602, Laser M603 manual Manage print cartridges, Change settings for print cartridges