Message | Possible Cause | Solution |
CARD IS | The optional | Format the memory card |
UNFORMATTED. | memory card that | by following the |
Press OK to | is installed needs | instructions on the Image |
format card. | to be formatted. | Display (or remove the |
| card from the camera if |
| you do not want it to be |
| formatted). Formatting the |
| memory card will delete all |
| files on the card. |
CARD HAS | The optional | |
WRONG | memory card that | by following the |
FORMAT. | is installed is | instructions on the Image |
Press OK to | formatted for a | Display (or remove the |
format card. | different device, | card from the camera if |
| such as an MP3 | you do not want it to be re- |
| player. | formatted). Formatting the |
| memory card will delete all |
| files on the card. |
Unable to Format. | The optional | Replace the memory card, |
| memory card that | or if you have a memory |
| is installed is | card reader, try formatting |
| corrupted. | the card on your computer. |
| See your card reader |
| documentation for |
| instructions. |
The card is locked. | When trying to | With the camera turned |
Please remove the | configure your | off, switch the locking tab |
card from your | HP Instant Share | on the card to the unlocked |
camera. | Menu, the | position or simply remove |
| optional memory | the memory card from the |
| card that is | camera and continue the |
| installed is | HP Instant Share task. |
| locked. |