Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
I have to | Extended Image | See Extending Battery Life on |
replace or | Display use for | page 150. |
recharge the | video recording, |
batteries | excessive flash |
frequently. | use, or Display |
| Brightness set to |
| High, increases |
| the rate of |
| battery drain. |
| The NiMH | NiMH batteries are not fully |
| batteries you | charged when new, and they |
| are using were | discharge over time whether or |
| recharged | not they are installed in a |
| incorrectly, or | camera. Batteries that are new |
| have drained on | or have not been charged |
| their own | recently must be recharged to |
| because they | reach full capacity (see |
| have not been | page 155). |
| used lately. |
| Battery | See Performance per Battery |
| chemistry type | Type on page 152. |
| is inappropriate |
| for the way the |
| camera is being |
| used. |
The camera | Rechargeable | Install NiMH batteries. Lithium |
batteries will | batteries are not | and Alkaline batteries cannot |
not charge. | inserted. | be recharged. |
| Batteries are | Battery charging will not start if |
| already | the NiMH batteries were |
| charged. | recently charged. Try charging |
| them again after they have |
| drained a while. |