matrix calculations 463 negating elements 472 raised to a power 471 reduced-row echelon 486 singular value decomposition 485 storing 464, 468, 469

swap row 545 transposing 486 variables 428, 463

maximum real number 36 measurements See units 443 menu

App 307

CAS 324–347

Catlg 378–421 context sensitive 20 Math 313–323 shortcuts 28

User 307 menu buttons 20

in Linear Solver app 269 in Numeric view 104 in Plot view

general 96 Geometry app 146

in Spreadsheet app 207

in Statistics 1Var app 213, 216 in Statistics 2Var app 229, 236 in Symbolic view 86

menus 28 closing 29

display format of 33, 308 searching through 28 Toolbox 29

messages, Solve app 265 minutes symbol 21 mixed numbers 26 MKSA 446

mode exact 56 symbolic 56 user 516

modes See system-wide settings 30


names, in Geometry app 142, 143 natural logarithm 310 navigation 16

negation 312

negative numbers 20, 39 Newtonian method 58 normal probability plot 220

Normal Z-distribution, confidence inter-

vals 253 notes 489–496

app-specific106, 496 copying 496 creating 490 editing 492–496exporting 496 formatting of 494 importing 496 sharing 496

number format 31, 56 engineering 31 fixed 31 scientific 31 Standard 31

number functions 313–314Numeric Setup view 78

common operations in 105–106Numeric view 77

common operations in 100–103menu buttons 104

zoom in 100


object selection, in Geometry app 143 objects

geometric 153–160on and off 12 One-Proportion Z-Interval 254 One-Proportion Z-Test 248 One-Sample T-Interval 256 One-SampleT-Test250 One-SampleZ-Interval 253 One-SampleZ-Test246 online help 46

open sentences 125 defining 82, 127


palettes, shortcut 21, 25 Parametric app 70, 271–275

variables 439 pareto plot 221 physical constants 447



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