
matpow([[1,2],[3,4]],n) gives [[(sqrt(33)- 3)*((sqrt(33)+5)/2)^n*-6/(-12*sqrt(33))+(- (sqrt(33))-3)*((-(sqrt(33))+5)/2)^n*6/(- 12*sqrt(33)),(sqrt(33)-3)*((sqrt(33)+5)/ 2)^n*(-(sqrt(33))-3)/(-12*sqrt(33))+(- (sqrt(33))-3)*((-(sqrt(33))+5)/2)^n*(- (sqrt(33))+3)/(- 12*sqrt(33))],[6*((sqrt(33)+5)/2)^n*-6/(- 12*sqrt(33))+6*((-(sqrt(33))+5)/2)^n*6/(- 12*sqrt(33)),6*((sqrt(33)+5)/2)^n*(- (sqrt(33))-3)/(-12*sqrt(33))+6*((- (sqrt(33))+5)/2)^n*(-(sqrt(33))+3)/(- 12*sqrt(33))]]

MAXREAL Returns the maximum real number that the HP Prime is capable of representing: 1.79769313486*10308.

mean Returns the arithmetic mean of a list (with an optional list as a list of weights). With a matrix as argument, returns the mean of the columns.

mean(List1, [List2]) or mean(Matrix)


mean([1,2,3],[1,2,3]) gives 7/3

median Returns the median of a list (with an optional list as a list of weights). With a matrix as argument, returns the median of the columns.

median(List1, [List2]) or median(Matrix)


median([1,2,3,5,10,4]) gives 3.0

member Given a list or vector and an element, returns the index of the first occurrence of the element in the list or vector; if the element does not appear in the list or vector, returns 0. Similar to contains, except that the element comes first in the argument order.

member(( Element, List) or contains(Element, Vector)


member(2, {0,1,2,3}) returns 3

MINREAL Returns the minimum real number that the HP Prime is capable of representing: 2.22507385851*10–308.

Functions and commands


Page 407
Image 407
HP Prime Graphing NW280AAABA MeanList1, List2 or meanMatrix, Mean1,2,3,1,2,3 gives 7/3, MedianList1, List2 or medianMatrix