NOTE: If the Oracle database is running in a cluster where SGeRAC packages are also running, then the Oracle database must be disabled from being started automatically by the Oracle Clusterware. This can be done by following the below steps:
Log in as the Oracle administrator and run the following command to set the database management policy to manual:
For Oracle 10g:
:$ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl modify database
:$ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl modify database
Setting Up the Toolkit
The internal structure of the Oracle Toolkit Scripts is the same for ASM Support as well. See to “Support For Oracle Database without ASM” (page 9) for information about the various Oracle toolkit scripts.
There are new variables introduced for ASM support, namely, INSTANCE_TYPE, ASM, ASM_HOME, ASM_USER, ASM_SID, ASM_DISKGROUP, ASM_VOLUME_GROUP ,and KILL_ASM_FOREGROUNDS. The following variables contained in haoracle.conf will help understanding these parameters better:
Table 6 Variables or Parameters in haoracle.conf file
Parameter Name | Description |
ORA_CRS_HOME | This parameter must be set only in case where Oracle database packages |
| created using ECMT Oracle toolkit and SGeRAC packages run in the same |
| cluster. This parameter must be set to the Oracle Clusterware home directory. |
| This parameter can be set only using the CLI and cannot be set using the |
| Serviceguard Manager. |
INSTANCE_TYPE | This parameter determines whether the instance is an ASM instance or a |
| database instance. This can be set either to "database" or "ASM" only. This |
| parameter must be set accordingly for both the database and ASM instance |
| packages. |
ORACLE_HOME | The home directory of Oracle. This parameter must be set only for the database |
| instance package. |
ORACLE_ADMIN | User name of the Oracle database administrator. Will be used for starting and |
| stopping of the database. This parameter must be set only for the database |
| instance package. |
SID_NAME | The Oracle session name. This is called the session ID (SID). This parameter |
| must be set only for the database instance package. This parameter is set to |
| "Oracle" by default. |
ASM | This option determines whether Automatic Storage Management (ASM) must |
| be used to manage the storage for the database instance. This parameter can |
| be set to either "yes" or "no". Set it to "yes" if an ASM database is being used. |
| In all other cases, set it to no. By default, this parameter is set to no. |
Setting Up the Toolkit 37