monitoring and entering maintenance mode" appears in the Serviceguard Package Control script log.
•If required, stop the Oracle database instance as shown below:
$ cd /etc/cmcluster/pkg/ORACLE_TEST0/ $ $PWD/toolkit.sh stop
•Perform maintenance actions (for example, changing the configuration parameters in the parameter file of the Oracle instance. If this file is changed, please remember to distribute the new file to all cluster nodes).
$ cd /etc/cmcluster/pkg/ORACLE_TEST0/ $ $PWD/toolkit.sh start
•Allow monitoring scripts to continue normally as shown below: $ rm
Two messages "Starting Oracle toolkit monitoring again after maintenance" and "Starting Oracle Listener monitoring again after maintenance" appear in the Serviceguard Package Control script log.
•Enable the package failover
$ cmmodpkg
NOTE: If the package fails during maintenance (example, the node crashes), the package will not automatically fail over to an adoptive node. It is the responsibility of the user to start the package up on an adoptive node. See the manual Managing ServiceGuard manual available at
If the Oracle database package is dependent on the SGeRAC OC MNP, then the Oracle database package will automatically go to toolkit maintenance mode when the SGeRAC OC MNP is put into toolkit maintenance mode. To put the SGeRAC OC MNP into toolkit maintenance mode, its MAINTENANCE_FLAG attribute must be set to 'yes' and a file 'oc.debug' must exist in its package directory. See the SGeRAC toolkit README file for information details on how to put the SGeRAC OC MNP in toolkit maintenance mode. If the MAINTENANCE_FLAG attribute of the SGeRAC OC MNP is set to 'yes', then this parameter must also be set to 'yes'.
Configuring and packaging Oracle
This section describes the way in which ECMT Oracle toolkit package must be configured for
NOTE: The environment in which both ECMT Oracle packages and SGeRAC packages are running together will be referred to as ‘coexistence environment’ in this document.
Configuring Oracle