Table 3 Variable or Parameter Name in haoracle.conf file (continued)
OC_TKIT_DIR | This parameter must be populated only in case of Oracle database packages being |
| created using ECMT Oracle toolkit provided that SGeRAC packages are also running |
| in the same cluster and Oracle database packages being dependent on SGeRAC OC |
| MNP package. This parameter must point to the working directory of the SGeRAC |
| OC MNP. In case of modular packages, the value for this parameter is automatically |
| populated when the package is created using the cmapplyconfcommand. In case |
| of legacy packages, this attribute must be populated manually in the haoracle.conf |
| file. This parameter can be set only using the CLI and cannot be set using the |
| Serviceguard Manager. |
TIME_OUT | The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the Oracle abort to complete before killing |
| the Oracle processes defined in MONITOR_PROCESSES. The TIME_OUT variable is |
| used as protection against a |
| package halt script from completing, therefore preventing the standby node from |
| starting the instance. The value of TIME_OUT must be less than the |
| HALT_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT value set in the package configuration file. |
| IfHALT_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT is not defined then, it is the sum of all the |
| SERVICE_HALT_TIMEOUT's defined in the package. This variable has no effect on the |
| package failover times. |
PARENT_ENVIRONMENT | This is used to mention if the Oracle user's shell should be invoked as a new shell or |
| as a subshell that inherits the variables set in the parent shell. This can be set to only |
| yes or no. Set to 'yes' if the Oracle user's shell should be invoked as a subshell. Set |
| to no if the Oracle user's shell should be invoked as a new shell. If set to 'no', the |
| Oracle user's profile file is executed and the variables set in this .profile file are |
| available to the new shell. |
CLEANUP_BEFORE_STARTUP | This parameter indicates whether 'shutdown abort' needs to be executed before the |
| startup of the Oracle/ASM instance. 'shutdown abort' ensures the cleanup of uncleared |
| shared memory or semaphores. This parameter can be set to only yes or no. Default |
| value is 'no'. |
USER_SHUTDOWN_MODE | This parameter is used to specify the database shutdown mode only when a shutdown |
| is initiated by the user and not due to a failure of a service. This parameter can take |
| values "abort" or "immediate" only. If "abort" is specified, the database is shutdown |
| using the abort option. If "immediate" is specified, the database is shutdown using |
| the immediate option. |
ALERT_MAIL_ID | This parameter is used to specify the |
OC_TKIT_DIR | This parameter must be populated only in case of Oracle database packages being |
| created using ECMT Oracle toolkit provided that SGeRAC packages are also running |
| in the same cluster and Oracle database packages being dependent on SGeRAC OC |
| MNP package. This parameter must point to the working directory of the SGeRAC |
| OC MNP. In case of modular packages, the value for this parameter is automatically |
| populated when the package is created using the cmapplyconf command. In case of |
| legacy packages, this attribute must be populated manually in the haoracle.conf file. |
For modular packages, there is an Attribute Definition File (ADF) - oracle.1, a Toolkit Module Script (tkit_module.sh) and a Toolkit Configuration File Generator Script (tkit_gen.sh) that work with the six scripts mentioned above for legacy packages, to integrate Oracle with the Serviceguard Master Control Script.