will be predefined, include the identity of the database instance as per the name set in the /etc/ cmcluster/modules/ecmt/db2/ directory.
For legacy packages, there will be one user configuration script (hadb2.conf) and three functional scripts (toolkit.sh), hadb2.sh and hadb2.mon) which work with each other to integrate DB2 with the Serviceguard package control scripts.
For modular packages, there is an Attribute Definition File (ADF), a Toolkit Module Script
(tkit_module.sh), and a Toolkit Configuration File Generator Script (tkit_gen.sh) which work with the three scripts mentioned above for legacy packages to integrate DB2 with the Serviceguard Master Control Script.
Table 9 (page 76) lists these scripts:
Table 9 Legacy Package Scripts
Script Name | Description |
hadb2.conf (user configuration file) | This script contains a list of |
| for use with a particular database instance. This is a configuration file which |
| is read by the toolkit script, hadb2.sh. The table Table 10 (page 76) shows |
| variables that are contained in hadb2.conf. |
Main Script (hadb2.sh) | This script contains a list of internally used variables and functions that support |
| starting and stopping of a DB2 database instance. This script will be called |
| by toolkit.sh to perform the following: |
| • On package startup, it starts the DB2 instance and monitor process. |
| • On package halt, it stops the DB2 instance and monitor process. |
Monitor Script (hadb2.mon) | This script contains a list of internally used variables and functions for |
| monitoring a DB2 server instance. This script will be called by hadb2.sh . It |
| uses a tool called "db2gcf" to monitor the database. |
Interface Script (toolkit.sh) | This script is the interface between the Serviceguard package control script |
| and the DB2 toolkit. |
Table 10 Variables in hadb2.conf File
Variable Name | Description |
INSTANCE_NAME | The DB2 instance name. |
PARTITION_NUMBER | The list of the logical database partitions that participate in a DB2 instance |
| and are intended to run on single server. Physical partitions should be |
| packaged separately. |
76 Using the DB2 database Toolkit in a Serviceguard Cluster in