4You can use the magicMoments feature in muvee autoProducer to mark specific scenes in a video clip that you want to include in, or leave out of, the final movie:
a Select a video file in the Select Video/Pictures window, and then click the magicMoments button. The magicMoments window opens.
b Click the Play button to start viewing the video.
c Use the magicMoments controls to mark the video scenes to include and exclude:
Click and hold down the green
Click and hold down the red
NOTE: Press the Shift key on the keyboard, and then click the scene to undo scenes that were marked with the
Click and hold down the gray thumb button to unmark one second of a selected scene.
Click and hold down the arrow buttons to navigate backward and forward through the video footage.
Video footage left unmarked is still analyzed when you make the movie, and you can decide at that time whether to include it in the final version of the movie.
For best results when using the magicMoments feature:
Keep each magicMoment to less than 10 seconds.
Keep the total duration of magicMoments to less than 50 percent of the duration of the movie. It is recommended that you select only a few scenes.
dWhen you are done marking scenes, click OK. The window closes. Note that the video clip is marked on the