Recovery Manager for Oracle User’s Guide

5Configure TNS services for the Recovery Catalog database by adding an entry in the

$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file on the primary host and backup host as follows:

<catdb > = (description =

(address = (protocol = TCP) (host = <cat_host>) (port = 1521)) (connect_data = (server = dedicated) (service_name = <catdb>))


where <cat_host> is the host name of the host where the catalog is created.

6Configure the Oracle listener for the Recovery Catalog database by adding an entry in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora file on the host where the Recover Catalog is created as follows:


(SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = <catdb>) (ORACLE_HOME = <oracle_home>) (SID_NAME = <catdb>)



7Log in as the Oracle owner user and register the database on the primary host.

$ rman target / catalog <rman_user>/<rman_password>@<catdb> RMAN> register database;


Setting Up NetBackup Policies for Oracle RMAN Backup

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Image 74
HP StoreServ Application Suite for Oracle Media manual Catdb = description =, Sidlistlistener = Sidlist =