Procedure Calls: FORTRAN-Pascal

Here are examples of how a FORTRAN main program calls a Pascal procedure.

The Pascal procedure, Samp.p. Note the procedure definition. The procedure name in the procedure statement is in lowercase with a trailing underscore (_). This format is required to match the conventions of the FORTRAN compiler. var parameters are used to match FORTRAN defaults.

The FORTRAN main program, Sampmain.f. Note the procedure declaration and call. FORTRAN converts to lowercase by default; you do not explicitly give the underscore (_).

procedure samp_(var i: integer; var r: real);


i := 9; r := 9.9

end; { samp_ }

integer i

double precision d

call Samp ( i, d )

write( *, '(I2, F4.1)') i, d stop


The commands to compile and execute Samp.p and


hostname% pc -c Samp.p

hostname% f77 Samp.o Sampmain.f -lpfc -lpc Sampmain.f:

MAIN: hostname% a.out 9 9.9

Variable Parameters

Pascal passes all var parameters by reference, FORTRAN’s default.

Simple Types without the –xlOption

With var parameters, simple types match.


Pascal 4.0 User’s Guide

Page 192
Image 192
HP SunSoft Pascal 4.0 manual Procedure Calls FORTRAN-Pascal, 168