v7, v8, and v8a are all binary compatible. v8plus and v8plusa are binary compatible with each other and forward, but not backward. For any particular choice, the generated executable can run much more slowly on earlier architectures (to the left in the above list).

Table 3-3 The -xarchValues




Get good performance on most SPARCs, and major degradation on none.


This is the default. This option uses the best instruction set for good


performance on most SPARC processors without major performance


degradation on any of them. With each new release, this best instruction


set will be adjusted, if appropriate.




Limit the instruction set to V7 architecture.


This option uses the best instruction set for good performance on the V7


architecture, but without the quad-precision floating-point instructions.


This is equivalent to using the best instruction set for good performance


on the V8 architecture, but without the following instructions:


The quad-precision floating-point instructions


The integer mul and div instructions


The fsmuld instruction


Examples: SPARCstation 1, SPARCstation 2


Limit the instruction set to the V8a version of the V8 architecture.


This option uses the best instruction set for good performance on the V8


architecture, but without:


The quad-precision floating-point instructions


The fsmuld instruction


Example: Any machine based on MicroSPARC I chip architecture



The Pascal Compiler