Table 11-1Contents of Math Libraries (Continued)

Random number generators

Additive pseudo-random generatorss

Linear pseudo-random generatorss

Random number shufflerss

IEEE support functions

IEEE functionsm+

IEEE testm+

IEEE valuess

IEEE suns

Control flagss

Floating-point trap handling

IEEE handlings

Handling for specific SIGFPE codes (in libc)

Error handling functionm

Data conversions

BSD miscellaneouss

Base conversion routines (in libc)

FORTRAN intrinsic functionss


mFunctions available in bundled libm

m+ Functions available in bundled libm and as single-precision version only in libsunmath

sFunctions available in unbundled libm (libsunmath)

libm Functions

Most numerical functions are available in double- and single-precision version. In general, the names of the single-precision version are formed by adding f to the names of the double-precision version.

Math Libraries