The Pascal procedure, IntSetVar.p, which has an intset of the elements [1, 3, 7, 8]

The C main program,


Pascal intset Type

The Pascal intset type is predefined as set of [0..127]. A variable of this type takes 16 bytes of storage.

procedure IntSetVar(var s: intset); begin

s := [1, 3, 7, 8] end; { IntSetVar }

#include <stdio.h>

extern void IntSetVar(unsigned int *);

int main(void)


int w ;

unsigned int *p, *s ;

s = (unsigned int *) malloc(16); IntSetVar(s) ;

for (w = 0, p = s ; w < 4 ; w++, p++) printf("%012o %3d \n", *p, w);

printf(" 110 001 010 (binary, word 4) \n"); printf(" 876 543 210 (bits, word 4)" \n");


The commands to compile and execute IntSetVar.p and IntSetVarMain.c. The output of this example depends on the architecture of your machine.

hostname% pc -c IntSetVar.p

hostname% cc IntSetVar.o IntSetVarMain.c -lpc hostname% a.out

000000000000 0

000000000000 1

000000000000 2

000000000612 3

110 001 010 (binary, word 4)

876 543 210 (bits, word 4)

The C–Pascal Interface