The C function, RetReal.c

The Pascal main program, RetRealMain.p

The commands to compile and execute RetReal.c and RetRealMain.p

double RetReal(double *x)


return(*x + 1.0);


program RetRealMain; var

r, s: real;

function RetReal(var x: real): real; external c;


r := 2.0;

s := RetReal(r); writeln(r: 4: 1, s: 4: 1)

end. { RetRealMain }

hostname% cc -c RetReal.c

hostname% pc RetReal.o RetRealMain.p hostname% a.out

2.0 3.0

Parameters That Are Pointers to Procedures

Pascal has a special type that is a pointer to a procedure. A variable of this type can be used as a parameter, as follows:

The C function, ProcPar.c

#include <string.h>



void proc_c (void (*p)())

/* a pointer to procedure argument */





char *s ;



s = "Called from C";



(*p)( s, strlen(s));

/* Call the Pascal routine */







The C–Pascal Interface