
The –Soption compiles the program and outputs the assembly language in the file, sourcefile.s. For example, the following command places the assembly language translation of rmc.p in the file rmc.s. No executable file is created.

hostname% pc –S rmc.p


The –soption instructs the compiler to accept standard Pascal only. Pascal has two levels of compliance with standard Pascal: Level 0 and Level 1. The only difference between the two is that Level 1 also allows conformant arrays.

Specify the level of compliance as follows:


Accept Level 0 compliance with standard Pascal

-sor –s1Accept Level 1 compliance with standard Pascal

This option causes many features of Pascal that are not found in standard Pascal to be diagnosed with warning messages. These features include:

Nonstandard procedures and functions

Extensions to the procedure write

Padding of constant strings with blanks

Preprocessor directives

In addition, all letters, except character strings and constants, are mapped to lowercase. Thus, the case of keywords and identifiers is ignored.

This option is most useful when a program is to be ported to other machines.


The –sboption produces a database for source browsing.


The –sbfastoption performs the same task as -sb, but does not compile.


Pascal 4.0 User’s Guide