The –condoption instructs pc to compile the lines in your program that begin with the %debug compiler directive. If you compile your program without –cond, pc treats lines with the %debug directive as comments.

–xlruns your program through the preprocessor cppas, which handles the Apollo DOMAIN®-style Pascal compiler directives, such as %debug.

See Appendix A, “Pascal Preprocessor,” for a complete description of conditional variables, cppas, and compiler directives.


You can only use this option when you also use the -xloption.

The –configoption sets a conditional variable to true. You can only use this option when you use the preprocessor cppas, which is invoked when you use the -xloption.

Pascal supports the –configoption with only one value. For example, Pascal accepts –config one, but not –config one two. To specify more than one variable, use multiple –configoptions on the command-line.

If you use -configbut do not give a variable, the value of the predefined conditional variable %config is set to true.

–xlruns your program through the preprocessor cppas, which handles the Apollo DOMAIN-style Pascal compiler directives, such as %config.

See Appendix A, “Pascal Preprocessor,” for a complete description of conditional variables, cppas, and compiler directives.


The –Doption defines a symbol name to the C preprocessor, cpp. It is equivalent to using the #define statement in your program. If you do not include a definition, name is defined as 1. See cpp(1) for more information.

If you use this option with the -xloption, -Dis equivalent to using the %config directive in your program.

The Pascal Compiler