Pointer value (<number>) out of legal range

Ran out of memory

Range lower bound of <number> out of set bounds

Range upper bound of <number> out of set bounds

Reference to an inactive file

Second operand to MOD (<number>) must be greater than zero

Statement count limit of <number> exceeded

Subrange or array subscript is out of range

Sun FPA not enabled

Unknown SIGFPE code

Unordered floating point comparison

Value of <number> out of set bounds

Varying length string index <number> is out of range

exp(<number>) yields a result that is out of the range of reals

i = <number>: Bad i to pack(a,i,z)

i = <number>: Bad i to unpack(z,a,i)

pack(a,i,z): z has <number> more elements than a

substring outside of bounds of string

unpack(z,a,i): z has <number> more elements than a


Pascal 4.0 User’s Guide