NOTE: Use select when no default LAN device is provided so a list of available LAN devices is provided for user selection.

Use -odto specify optional data to be passed to the boot file.

Use -dnto specify a direct boot profile to be used to handle the LAN boot. Use the dbprofile command to create and manage direct boot profiles.


To LAN boot from a boot server that has been previously setup:

Shell> lanboot or

Shell> lanboot select

To specify optional data to be passed to the boot file that will be loaded from the boot server:

Shell> lanboot -od "optional data" or

Shell> lanboot select -od "optional data"

where optional data is the actual data you want to pass to the boot file.

To perform a direct LAN boot using a previously created direct boot profile:

Shell> lanboot -dn profile1 or

Shell> lanboot select -dn profile1

After booting the system, see “Installing HP-UX from the client console” for information on configuring the HP-UX installation from the client console.

Installing HP-UX from the client console

Once you have successfully booted the client system from the Ignite-UX server using one of the previously discussed methods, the following screen will appear on the client console.

Figure 35 Welcome to Ignite-UX!

Select Install HP-UX. (Move between menu buttons with the Tab key, and select by pressing Enter.)

Installing HP-UX from the client console 105