Example PA-RISC installation tape creation

1.Create the LIF volume.

The LIF will be created in /var/tmp/lifvol by entering the following make_medialif command:

#make_medialif -f /opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.11/config \ -f /var/tmp/myOSarchive_cfg \

-f /var/tmp/depot_cfg \

-l /var/tmp/lifvol -r B.11.11

The LIF volume now contains the default settings Ignite-UX provides, plus information on the archives and depot.

2.Modify the install file system configuration.

You can control the environment in which Ignite-UX operates at client installation time by changing the run_ui and control_from_server configuration parameters in the install file system ([WVI]INSTALLFS). When control_from_server is true, an attempt is made to contact the Ignite-UX server as defined in the configuration information. For more information, see instl_adm(4).

To set run_ui and control_from_server using instl_adm, execute the following steps:

Create a temporary configuration file:

instl_adm -d -F /var/tmp/lifvol > /var/tmp/cfg

Open /var/tmp/cfg for editing.

Add or change the run_ui variable.

For an interactive installation, run_ui=TRUE.

For a noninteractive installation, set run_ui=FALSE — no interaction occurs and the installation proceeds according to the configuration information provided to Ignite-UX.

NOTE: To get a fully-automated installation, you usually need to set

control_from_server=FALSE and env_vars+="INST_ALLOW_WARNINGS=10", otherwise the warning about an operating system already on the disk will cause the installation to become interactive.

Add or change the control_from_server variable.

To control the installation from the Ignite-UX server, set control_from_server=TRUE. An attempt will be made to contact the server.

Check the syntax of your changes to avoid writing errors to the install file system: instl_adm -T-f /var/tmp/cfg

Write the modified temporary configuration file into the LIF volume: instl_adm -F /var/tmp/lifvol-f /var/tmp/cfg

Verify your changes:

instl_adm -d -f /var/tmp/lifvol

3.Select the appropriate tape device file.

Create the tape using the proper density, no compression, and a no-rewind device file. See insf(1M), tape(7), and stape(7) for more information about tape device special file creation and selection.

Note that a no-rewind tape device special file must be used. Normally, a default AT&T semantic tape device special file is used, for example, /dev/rmt/0mn.

184 Creating your own boot and installation media