1.Determine the MAC address of the client, either through the boot_admin commands at boot time or by using lanscan(1M) after the client is booted.

For more information, see boot(1M), efi(4), isl(1M), and pdc(1M).

2.Create the following directory, assuming the MAC address is 0x08000992E346: mkdir /var/opt/ignite/clients/0x08000992E346

3.Copy an example configuration file to be used as a starting point:

cp config /var/opt/ignite/clients/0x08000992E346/config

4.These files are accessed using NFS so you must ensure that the correct ownership and directory access permissions are assigned.

Set the client directory to 644 and change the ownership to ensure that bin can read and write to the directory:

chmod 644 /var/opt/ignite/clients/0x08000992E346 chown bin:bin /var/opt/ignite/clients/0x08000992E346 chown bin:bin /var/opt/ignite/clients/0x08000992E346/config

5.Edit your new configuration file to define your client-specific information.

6.Run bootsys on the Ignite-UX server to begin the installation: bootsys -a-vclient_hostname

The client is booted and the operating system is installed without interaction using the client-specific configuration file you created. Errors are reported in /var/opt/ignite/ clients/0x08000992E346/install.log and in the client status dialog box (see “Client Status... dialog box” (page 148)) in the Ignite-UX GUI on the Ignite-UX server.

Scheduling installations

Client installations can also be automated using the cron daemon. To perform repeated installations for a client, you can use crontab entries. For more information, see cron(1M) and crontab(1).

For single installations, use the at command. For example, to perform an installation of a client at 8:00 PM using the at command, as root enter:

at 8:00pm

bootsys -a-vclient_hostname

Press Ctrl-D

NOTE: This example requires remsh access from the Ignite-UX server on which you execute the bootsys command to the client because the server cannot obtain the root password by prompting you.

Setting installation parameters dynamically

Ignite-UX can make intelligent decisions about installation parameters when it runs, based on information it reads from the client. Instead of forcing static values (for example, swap size or kernel parameters), Ignite-UX can determine the best values for these based on the characteristics of the client.

This feature can make the configurations that you set up more general purpose and limit the need for multiple, custom configurations to handle minor system differences.

These decisions are specified in a C-like language and grammar unique to Ignite-UX. For more information, see instl_adm(1M).

The following examples show how Ignite-UX set installation parameters dynamically.

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