.\MenuOption162.0 (nbp.efi renamed as required by the RDP server)

.\MenuOption163.0 (nbp.efi renamed as required by the RDP server)










The RDP server requires the file name of the initial boot loader file and the name of the MenuOption to match. Normally, MenuOption160 will be used by the RDP server. However, if there are existing custom MenuOptions, another file name might be required. Copying the small nbp.efi boot loader to the first few custom MenuOption names the PXE Configuration Utility uses for MenuOptions must simplify the automatic set up of the RDP server. For HP-UX, this file is actually the nbp.efi network boot loader.

The Ignite-UX version for this content on the RDP server must be kept consistent with the Ignite-UX product version on the Ignite server. Note that IINSTALLFS includes config file content typically modified via use of instl_adm. Since these files will reside on the RDP server, a data center administration process for updating these files must be created to keep the RDP files consistent with the Ignite server.

The Ignite install environment on the RDP server needs to be updated when:

The IINSTALLFS config content is changed

A new version of Ignite software is installed on the Ignite server

Changes are made to the AUTO file boot menu

The HP-UX boot loader is patched

Setting up RDP MenuOptions via interactive UI

The RDP server PXE Configuration Utility may be used to interactively create a MenuOption for HP-UX boot and Ignite installation.

Before starting the interactive UI, put the Ignite-UX boot and install environment files in a directory as specified in “Setting up RDP MenuOptions via Windows commands” (page 62). Any convenient method may be used to transfer the required content from the Ignite server to the RDP server (FTP, Samba share, key chain drive, etc.). You must consider how this content will be updated in the future to stay consistent with the Ignite server.

The Interactive UI may be started using the Windows Start Menu:

StartAll ProgramsAltirisPXE ServicesPXE Configuration Utility

It may also be started from the RDP Deployment Solutions Console.

Once started, the PXE Configuration Utility will display a window similar to the following:

Configuring an RDP server to initiate HP-UX installation 63