Figure 90 Installation log file

Carefully review the scrolling status information for errors. Continuous scrolling is the default behavior. Toggle scrolling on and off with the Automatic Scrolling checkbox.

The complete installation log is available on the Ignite-UX server in /var/opt/ignite/clients/hostname/install.log.

NOTE: Because errors can occur during the installation that result from other components within HP-UX, all errors may not be written to this log file.

Viewing and printing a manifest

Ignite-UX creates a manifest for each client upon the successful completion of the HP-UX installation. This manifest details all of the installation information for the selected client. Use it to ensure that the installation executed as expected with all software installed, and to keep a record of each client installation.

The manifest is available for viewing from Ignite-UX, and is saved to files on the server and the client.

The client installation manifest contains the following information:

System Information

System Hardware

Installed Software

File System Layout

Disk Layout

Swap Configuration

Kernel Configuration

View the manifest from the Ignite GUI by selecting the client, and then clicking ActionsView/Print Manifest.

Viewing and printing a manifest 149