About this edition
April 1999: Sixth Edition. This edition was published to accommodate code upgrades and the dropping of support for
July 1998: Fifth Edition. In this edition a section was added to describe new features.
June 1997: Fourth Edition. In this edition a section was added to describe new features.
September 1996: Third Edition. In this the “Getting Started” and “Using the HP E1432A” chapters were added. The former chapter called “Measurement Process” became part of “Using the HP E1432A.” Information was added to document the VXIplug&play version of the Host Interface Library.
March 1996: Second Edition. In this edition the title was changed from
“Hardware Reference” to “User’s Guide”. In Host Interface Library chapter about 10 new functions and 10 new error messages were added. A section was added to the Host Interface Library chapter to describe the programming model. The transfer rate specification was changed in the Technical Specifications section.
November 1995: First Edition.