HP E1432A User's Guide
Using the HP E1432A
New features of the HP E1432A/HP E1433A software
The following features have been added to the HP E1432A/HP E1433A software since the previous edition of this manual. These and other features are documented in the online Function Reference. For more information look in the Function Reference entries for the functions that are used by the feature.
Auto range
Auto range calculates the best range for each channel so that the signal is full scale but not overloaded. Auto range works only while the measurement is running.
Averaging can be done for resampling measurements on frequency or order data. It uses the function hpe1432_setAvgMode. You can set several averaging modes: RMS averaging, linear averaging, exponential averaging, or peak hold averaging.
Continuous re-sampled data
Fast span or range change
You can now change the span or range while the measurement is running, using the existing functions hpe1432_setSpan or hpe1432_setRange. Previously if you sent the command while a measurement was running, it would wait until the next measurement. Now it will change the span or range when the command is sent.
Time arming
This uses a new function hpe1432_setArmTimeInterval. It allows you to specify a time interval for arming. For example you could set it to get a block of data every second.
Weighting filters (HP E1433A only)
For the HP E1433A, you can set any of three weighting filters