HP E1432A User's Guide
The Arbitrary Source Option
LED’s and Connectors for the Arbitrary Source Option
Status LEDs
Fail: This is the standard VXI “Failed” indicator. It lights briefly when powering up and normally goes out after a few seconds. If it stays on it indicates a hardware failure in the module.
Acs: This is the standard VXI “Access” indicator. When it is on, it indicates that another device on the bus is contacting the module, for example to transfer data or read registers.
Source: If this LED is lighted it indicates that the source is on and producing output.
SMB Connectors
COLA: This is the output connector for the COLA (Constant Output Level Amplifier) output.
This connector can also be configured as a Summer input. A signal connected to this input is summed with the internal source output to create the final output.
Shut (Shutdown): Shorting the center pin of this connector to its shield causes the source to ramp down and shut off.
Out: This is the main output of the Arbitrary Source.
The Out connector can also be configured to output a calibration signal. This is not quite the same as the calibration signal described in chapter 5 because it comes directly from the internal source without going through the other circuitry of the calibration section.
Input Connectors (1, 2, or 4)
These connectors are attached to the cables from an
Updating the arbitrary source firmware
When updated firmware for the arbitrary source is available, you can update the ROM in your module by using the procedure documented in /usr/e1432/arbsrc/README.