HP E1432A User's Guide
Parameter Information
Description of HP E1432A Parameters
Some parameters, such as range or coupling, apply to specific channels. When a channel ID is given to a function that sets a
Some parameters, such as clock frequency or data transfer mode, apply globally to a module. When a channel ID is used to change a parameter that applies to a whole module, the channel ID is used to determine which module. The parameter is then changed for that module.
Starting and stopping a measurement is somewhat like setting a global parameter. Starting a measurement starts each active channel in each module that has a channel in the group.
After firmware is installed, and after a call to e1432_preset, all of the parameters (both
At the start of a measurement, the HP E1432A firmware sets up all hardware parameters, and ensures that the input hardware is settled before starting to take data. The firmware also ensures that any digital filters have time to settle. This ensures that all data read from the module will be valid.
However, after a measurement starts, HP E1432A parameters can still be changed. The effect of this change varies, depending on the parameter. For some parameters, changing the value aborts the measurement immediately. For other parameters, the measurement is not aborted, but the changed parameter value is saved and not used until a new measurement is started. For still other parameters, the parameter change takes place immediately, and the data coming from the module may contain glitches or other effects from changing the parameter.
You cannot tell the module to wait for settling when changing a parameter in the middle of a measurement. The only way to wait for settling is to stop and