HP 1432A User's Guide
Interrupt ReQuest.
Kilo-Samples per second.
Light Emitting Diode.
Local Bus
A high-speed port that Hewlett-Packard has defined as a standard byte-wide ECL protocol which can transfer measurement data at up to 2.62 Msamples per second from left to right on the VXI backplane.
logical address
The VXI logical address identifies where each module is located in the memory map of the VXI system.
message-based VXI device
Message-based devices communicate with the VXI Bus using high-level ASCII commands. Programming is easier and more sophisticated, but communication is slower than with register-based devices. Message-based devices can also be programmed at the register level. The HP E1432A and HP E1433A are register-based VXI devices.
module-dependent commands
Commands that are module-dependent change a parameter for all channels of the module; even when only one channel has been specified in the channel list.
MXI bus
A bus standard which can be used to connected multiple VXI mainframes.
overlap block mode
A mode of data-collecting in used in the HP E1432A and HP E1433A. It is similar to block mode except that it allows additional arms and triggers to occur before an already-acquired block is sent to the host.
pipeline mode
A Local Bus mode in which data is sent through a module and on to the next one.
See VXIplug&play