HP E1432A User's Guide
Getting Started With the HP E1432A
Getting Updates Via FTP (HP-UX)
You can get the latest version of the HP E1432A software via FTP. However, note that the latest version may be an interim version which has not yet been fully tested and released. Released versions for
Download file E1432.A.xx.xx.depot.Z for the latest update.
The A.xx.xx is the revision number, which will be something like A.00.00. The file obtained via FTP has been compressed; it can be uncompressed with the command:
uncompress E1432.A.xx.xx.depot.Z
The result will be a file E1432.A.xx.xx.depot This file is in swinstall format, which is the same format as the
Getting Updates Via FTP (Windows)
You can get the latest version of the HP E1432A software via FTP. However, note that the latest version may be an interim version which has not yet been fully tested and released. Released versions for Windows have filenames beginning with setup.exe or hpe1432.EXE.A... Interim versions begin with setup.exe or hpe1432.EXE.X...
For Microsoft Windows the latest version of the HP E1432A distribution can be obtained via anonymous FTP at:
The README file contains information about the files in the directory.
The files corresponding to the first floppy disk of the distribution have the form setup.exe, click on “setup.exe” to install.
Files of the form setup.w02 correspond to the second floppy disk of the distribution. Files of the form setup.w03 correspond to the third floppy disk (if any).