HP E1432A User's Guide
Troubleshooting the HP E1432A
The following describes a limited diagnostic program for the HP E1432A, HP E1433A, and HP E1434A. It is to be run from an
location: /usr/e1432/bin
Usage: hostdiag
Does a quick, partial test by bypassing the tests which involve downloading code to the module.
Uses “file” as the source of code to download to the module instead of the default sema.bin.
Specifies the logical address of the module to be tested. The default value is 8.
Tests the module against a list model/options. For example
“E1432,1DE,AYF” tests the module as an 8 channel E1432A with the tachometer option. Without this option, hostdiag only tests what it finds present. Hardware which has failed in such a way that it appears to be absent will not be detected without this option.
Prints only a pass/fail message - no diagnostic printouts.
Additionally runs the “standard input/output” tests. Sources finish testing with 1 VPk, 1 KHz sine on each output for manual verification of output functionality. Input testing (both HP E1432A and HP E1433A inputs and the Tachometer input) assumes 1 VPk, 1 KHz sine input on each channel. This allows testing of additional portions of the signal path which inaccessible from the internal tests.
Test the module in the vxi slot, vxi_slot. Default is to test the module at logical address 8.