0033-2068 0033-2073
0033-2068 Unable to map trace file "
" into memory.
Explanation: During an attempt to load a tracefile, although the file existed, was a regular
file, and was successfully opened, the file could not be mapped into memory.
Error Class: Available data space insufficiently large to hold mapped file data structure.
User Response: Gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for
reporting hardware and software problems.
0033-2069 Could not open file "
" for print output because
Explanation: The specified file could not be opened to store output for the print request.
Error Class: The fopen() function failed for the indicated reason.
User Response: Ensure that the specified file can be opened and is writable.
0033-2070 Non zero return code from print command
Explanation: The command specified for printing returned with a non zero exit code.
Error Class: The print command may have experienced some sort of failure.
User Response: Ensure that the command is correct and the resulting program or shell
script is operating properly. Note that the command may be returning a non zero value when
it is actually operating properly. In this case, you may want to write a shell script to invoke
the command and return 0 to vt.
0033-2071 Internal error trying to create print output
Explanation: A failure occurred during the processing of the print command.
Error Class: This will typically occur due to an X windows failure.
User Response: If the problem persists, gather information about the problem and follow
local site procedures for reporting software problems.
0033-2072 Errors were found while post processing tracefile
. Details may be
found in
Explanation: During post processing of the named tracefile, errors were found. Details
about these errors are in the named log file.
Error Class: See the log file for specific causal information.
User Response: If the errors indicate an undesired result, correct the application program
and regenerate the tracefile.
0033-2073 Playback is disabled while post processing the tracefile and when using the
Performance Monitor. Please wait for post processing to complete or close
the Performance Monitor.
Explanation: Trace file playback is disabled when using the Performance Monitor and
during the post processing of the trace file.
Error Class: One of the trace playback buttons was pressed while trace file playback was
User Response: Wait for the post processing to complete or close the Performance
Monitor. If you do not believe either of these situations exist, gather information about the
problem and follow local site procedures for reporting software problems.
154 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages