Chapter 3 Introduction to Operation
34 Assembling and Linking Multiple Sections
Link the two relocatable object files to generate an executable format file. Specify the g option to add
debug information to the executable format file.
A>ld103 -m -g -T_CODE_00=800000000 -T_CODE_01=80005000 program3.rf program4.rf
m option Option to output map file.
g option Option to add debug information to the executable format file.
T option Option to specify section address.
The above command line links two relocatable object files (program3.rf and program4.rf) in the current
directory, assigning the starting address 80000000 (hex.) to section _CODE_00 and the starting
address 80005000 (hex.) to section _CODE_01, and creates an executable file (m103.ex) including
debugging information and a map file ( in the current directory.
Parameter file during linking
The following command was input to link.
A>ld103 -m -g -T_CODE_00=800000000 -T_CODE_01=80005000
program3.rf program4.rf
Repeated input of lines like this is tedious and prone to errors. For this reason the very convenient @
option is provided with the linker. With an editor create a file PFILE (the name can be freely chosen)
with the following contents.
The contents of pfile are as follows.
This file is called a parameter file. If the @ option is specified when linking, the linker will read a
parameter file, and will interpret its contents as command options for execution.
The two specifications below will be equivalent.
ld103 @PFILE
ld103 -m -g -T_CODE_00=80000000 -T_CODE_01=80005000 program3.rf
-T_CODE_00 =80000000
-T_CODE_01 =80005000
program3.rf program4.rf