Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements
184 File Inclusion
10.2.1 #include
#include ”filename”
Functional description
This directive causes the assembler to read in the source file with the specified name at the location of
the directive.
NOTE: The included file will be assembled and output to the relocatable object file and
list file. In order for the list file to show that lines were included as part of an
include file, a period (.) will be prefixed before the line number.
By specifying the assembler's Li option, you can suppress output of include files to the list file.
Coding rules
The file is specified by the file name enclosed in double quotation marks ("). If the file is in a different
directory, the file name specification must include the path name. The assembler will assume an .ASM
extension if the extension is omitted.
NOTE: By adding the I option when starting the assembler, you can specify a path name
for include files. However, even in this case the option will be ignored if a specific
path name is coded within "filename".
NOTE: As the assembler ignores all text after the directive coding rules, end directive
coding rules should not be written in a file captured with “include”.