Chapter 7 Type of Source Statements
Program Format 119
7.2 Program Format
A program is text created to assemble as machine language instructions in order to operate a micropro-
cessor. The assembler translates the text into machine language code, while the linker joins that code to
make an executable format file.
One line of text is called a source statement. There are five types of source statements, with the type
determining how a source statement is written.
Basic program format is shown below.
There are several points to be aware of when writing programs.
Always declare an attribute and link type for a section name the first time it appears in a file.The
same section name cannot be set to a different attribute or link type.
The effective scope of a directive coding rule section is until the line preceding the next directive
coding rule section
Ignore all text after the directive coding rule instruction.
* Comment statement Write comments as needed
#include #include specifications
#define Define #define identifiers
definitions of constants, macros, globals Statements to define constants and macros and to
declare and define globals
section name section Declare start of section
program body Machine language instructions, conditional assembly
directives, macro expansions
end End of program