Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements
Numbers 131
Extended C language format
Coding rules:
Binary Start with '0' (zero) and letter 'B' (or 'b'), followed by binary digits.
Octal Start with '0' (zero), followed by octal digits.
Decimal Code decimal number as is.
Hexadecimal Start with '0' and letter 'X' (or 'x'), followed by hexadecimal digits.
Intel format
Coding rules:
Binary Follow binary digits with letter 'B' (or 'b'). When the default is binary, the suffix 'B'
may be omitted.
Octal Follow octal digits with letter 'O' (or 'o') or 'Q' (or 'q'). When the default is octal, the
suffix 'O' or 'Q' may be omitted.
Decimal Follow decimal digits with letter 'D' (or 'd'). When the default is decimal, the suffix
'D' may be omitted.
Hexadecimal Follow hexadecimal digits with letter 'H' (or 'h'). If the digits begin with a letter A –
F, they must be prefixed with the digit '0' (zero). When the default is hexadecimal,
the suffix 'H' may be omitted.
Current default radix
Radix Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal
Binary -- -- 0B101 --
Octal -- -- 0765 --
Decimal -- -- 789 --
Hexadecimal -- -- 0XDEF --
Current default radix
Radix Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal
Binary 101B
101 101B 101B 101B
Octal 567O
567Q 567O
567Q 567O
Decimal 789D 789D 789D
789 789D
Hexadecimal 0defH 0defH 0defH 0defH