Chapter 3 Introduction to Operation
Assembling and Linking Multiple Sections 33
The contents of the list file program4.lst are as follows.Note that the symbol table is not displayed.This file is defined as two sections. The addresses of the starting locations of both sections is assumed 00000000.The plus signs in lines 14 and 27 have the same meaning that they had in program3.lst--namely, that the line contains a symbol that is not assigned a final value until linking.
program4.lst Page 1
*** PanaX series Series MN1030 Cross Assembler ***
Loc Object Line Source
1 global data_Set, time_filler
2 global data_set, time_filler
3 _CODE_01 section CODE, PUBLIC, 1
00000000 4 data_set
00000000 8A00 5 mov 0, D2
00000002 7 data_set_loo
00000002 A6 8 cmp D1, D2
00000003 C600 +9 bcc data_set_end
00000005 60 11 mov D0, (A0)
00000006 2A01 12 add 1, D2
00000008 2002 13 add 2, A0
0000000a CA00 +14 bra data_set_loop
16 data_set_end
0000000c F0FC 17 rts
0000000c 18
19 _CODE_00 section CODE, PUBLIC, 1
00000000 21 time_filler
00000000 8A00 22 mov 0, D2
00000002 24 time_filler_ loop
00000002 A4 25 cmp D1, D0
00000003 C600 +26 bcc time_filler_end
00000005 CA00 +27 bra time_filler_loop
00000007 29 Time_filler_ end
00000007 F0FC 30 rts
31 end