Chapter 17 Appendix
322 List of Assembler Control Statements
#iflt expression
block1 Assembles block1 if the expression is negative.
Assembles block2 if it is not negative (nothing will be
assembled if there is no #else).
#endif block2]
#ifle expression
block1 Assembles block1 if the expression is zero or negative.
Assembles block2 if it is positive. (nothing will be
assembled if there is no #else).
#endif block2]
#ifgt expression
block1 Assembles block1 if the expression is positive.
Assembles block2 if it is not positive (nothing will be
assembled if there is no #else).
#endif block2]
#ifge expression
block1 Assembles block1 if the expression is zero or positive.
Assembles block2 if it is negative. (nothing will be
assembled if there is no #else).
#endif block2]
#ifb dummy_ parameter
block1 Assembles block1 if dummy_parameter is a null
character. Assembles block2 if it is not equal (nothing
will be assembled if there is no #else). #ifb can only be
used within macro definitions.
#endif block2]
#ifnb dummy_ parameter
block1 Assembles block1 if dummy_parameter is not a null
character. Assembles block2 if it is equal (nothing will
be assembled if there is no #else). #ifnb can only be
used within macro definitions.
#endif block2]
Syntax Function & Notes