Chapter 9 Writing Machine Language Instructions and Directive Statements
152 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements
9.3 Writing Machine Language Instruction Statements
Each machine language instruction is defined by specific mnemonics. Mnemonics are formed from
operations and operands accurately coded in the statement fields previously described.
Both upper-case and lower-case letters may be used.
Refer to the "Instruction Manual" for details of machine language instructions.
Coding rules
When coding a label, insert at least one space or tab between it and the operation field.
When the label field is omitted, replace it with at least one space or tab.
Both upper-case and lower-case letters may be used.
Insert at least one space or tab between the operation field and operand field.
The assembler and linker optimization function will adjust conditional and unconditional branch
instructions to generate the optimal code.
When a relative address is specified in an operand and only labels with specific addresses are coded,
the assembler will calculate and set the relative values.

Coding examples

START mov D0, (A0) ;src=register, dst=register indirect
mov 0x11, D0 ;src=immediate data, dst=register
not D0 ;negate
rol D0 ;rotate left
ror D0 ;rotate right
and 0x0f, D0 ;logical AND
or 0x30, D0 ;logical OR
xor D0, D1 ;exclusive OR
add D1, D0 ;addition
sub D1, D0 ;subtraction
mul D1, D0 ;multiplication
divu D1, D0 ;division
cmp 0x05, D0 ;comparison
bra SUBR ;unconditional branch
jmp (A0) ;unconditional branch(register indirect)
jsr SUBR ;subroutine call
rts ;return from subroutine