Chapter 8 Writing Source Statements
140 Expressions
8.7.2 Expression Evaluation
There are seven levels of operator precedence. The order of precedence can be changed using
parentheses ( ). Operators with the same precedence are evaluated in order from left to right.
An example of operator is shown below.
An asterisk * is used as both the self-reference address symbol and the multiplication operator, so take
care in its use. The expression *** will be multiplication of the self-reference address symbol by itself.
Precedence Operator Description
Highest ~ + - Unary negation, unary plus, unary minus
* / % Multiplication, division, remainder
+ - Addition, subtraction
<< >> Left shift, right shift
& Logical AND
^ Exclusive OR
Lowest | Logical OR
c1 equ 10
c2 equ 0b01101110
_CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 1
data1 dc c1/3*(3+4)
data2 dc c1%3*(3+4)
data3 dc -c2
data4 dc ~c2
data5 dc c2>>2
data6 dc c1<<2
data7 dc main>>2
data8 dc c2>>2^0b00001111)>>2
data9 dc (c2&0b00001111)
data10 dc c2|0b00001111
org 0x100
main mov c2 & 0b00001111, D0