Chapter 16 Notes on the Operating Environment
Personal Computer Versions 307
The following explanation is for the programmer’s editor MIFES. Start up MIFES and open two files.
The contents of the file ERROR will be displayed on the screen.
Tag jumps
The first error message matches this display on the screen.
MAIN.ASM(5): Error 2304: Instruction not found.
This line works with tag jumps regardless of the character position on screen.
Look at the display of function key F10 on the CRT screen. It should be [Tag JP]. This key specifies a
tag jump, so try pressing F10. The screen will switch, and the cursor will be placed at the source file
statement in which the error was detected
Fix errors
The cursor will be located on the fifth line. Fix the error here.
Change move to mov. That alone fixes the line. Switch the screen again to the error file.
5 move 0x11, D0
MAIN.ASM(5):Error 2304: Instruction not found.
7 main
MAIN.ASM(7):Error 2306: Multiple define symbol.
Errors: 2 Warnings: 0 (MAIN.ASM)
5 move 0x11, D0
MAIN.ASM(5):Error 2304: Instruction not found.
7 main
MAIN.ASM(7):Error 2306: Multiple define symbol.
Errors: 2 Warnings: 0 (MAIN.ASM)
_CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 1
data equ -1
mov 0x11, D0
move 0x11, D0
mov D0, (data)