Chapter 17 Appendix
List of Assembler Directives 319
Directives for data area allocationDirectives for list control
Syntax Function & Notes
symbol instruction operand
dc definition | expression(,definition
| expression)... Allocates 8-bit data areas.
dw expression(,expression)... Allocates 16-bit data areas.
dd expression(,expression)... Allocates 32-bit data areas.
ds expression1 [,expression2[.
expression3]] Allocates the number of bytes specified by
expression1 to a data area.
If expression2(initial value) is specified, the data
area will be filled with that initial value. If
expression3(repeat count) is specified, this
operation will be repeated for the specific
number of times.
Syntax Function & Notes
symbol instruction operand
tit [“string”] Specifies the header for the list file.
listoff Suppresses list output from the next line after this
liston Resume list output from the line of this
xlistoff Suppresses list output from the line of this
xliston Resume list output from the next line after this
page lines[, columns] Specifies the number of lines and columns on a
page of list file.