Chapter 15 Using Library Manager
Command Options 279
Functional description
This option causes all error and warning messages and help screens sent to the console to appear in
Japanese using JIS coding.
Rules os use
To specify the option, enter the hyphen (-) followed by the upper case letter ā€œJā€ and the lower case
letter ā€œjā€. The two letters together function as a single option.
slig103 test.lib -f -Jj test1.rf test2.rf test3.rf
NOTE: This option is not available on DOS/V or PC/AT machines.
Default specification
The default language used depends on the host machine and the operating system.
Jj Output error and warning messages in Japanese using JIS encoding
Host machine Message language
Sun/Sparc English
DOS/V Japanese in Shift JIS
PC/AT English