Chapter 3 Introduction to Operation
Conditional Assembly and Linking 39
Assemble and link
Assemble and link the program that you have created.
as103 program5.asm
ld103 -m -T_CODE=400000000 program5.rf
as103 -l -a m103. program5.asm
The first assembly generates the relocatable object file program5.rf. The second assembly generates the
final list file program5.lst.
See the contents of the list file that was generated.
The contents of the final list file program5.lst are as follows.
Note that the symbol table is not displayed.
Line number 14 extends over four lines. This indicates lines where macro expansion has been
performed. An 'M' is added before the line number where the macro instruction statement is shown, and
a '+' is added after the line numbers where the instruction statements from macro expansion are
shown.DEBUG has been defined, so the block between #ifdef to #else was assembled. Line number 16
has an X after the line number. This indicates a statement that was not assembled because a condition
was not fulfilled.
program5.lst Page 1
*** PanaX series Series MN1030 Cross Assembler ***
Loc Object Line Source
1 #define DEBUG
M4 dat_set macro adr, dat
5 mov adr, A0
6 mov dat, D0
7 mov D0, (A0)
8 endm
11 _CODE section CODE, PUBLIC, 1
40000000 12 main
13 #ifdef DEBUG
M14 dat_set data1, 0x11
40000000 FCDC0C000040 14+ mov data1, A0
40000006 8011 14+ mov 0x11, D0
40000008 60 14+ mov D0, (A0)
15 #else
16X dat_set data1, 0x22
17 #endif
19 _DATA section DATA, PUBLIC, 4
4000000C 00000000 20 data1 dd 0
40000010 00000000 21 data2 dd 0
22 end