Chapter 12 List of Machine Language Instructions
240 List of Machine Language Instructions
Mnemonic Description of operation
ASR Dm, Dn Arithmetically shift the contents of Dn right the number of bits specified in
Dm and store the result in Dn.
ASR imm8, Dn Arithmetically shift the contents of Dn right the number of bits specified by
imm8 and store the result in Dn.
ASR Dn Arithmetically shift the contents of Dn right one bit and store the result in Dn.
Mnemonic Description of operation
LSR Dm, Dn Logically shift the contents of Dn right the number of bits specified in Dm and
store the result in Dn.
LSR imm8, Dn Logically shift the contents of Dn right the number of bits specified by imm8
and store the result in Dn.
LSR Dn Logically shift the contents of Dn right one bit and store the result in Dn.
Mnemonic Description of operation
ASL Dm, Dn Arithmetically shift the contents of Dn left the number of bits specified in Dm
and store the result in Dn.
Zeros enter from the least significant bit.
ASL imm8, Dn Arithmetically shift the contents of Dn left the number of bits specified by
imm8 and store the result in Dn.
Zeros enter from the least significant bit.
ASL2 Dn Arithmetically shift the contents of Dn left two bits and store the result in Dn.
Zeros enter from the least significant bit..
Mnemonic Description of operation
ROR Dn Rotate the contents of Dn plus the C flag right one bit an d store the result in Dn.
Mnemonic Description of operation
ROL Dn Rotate the contents of Dn plus the C flag left one bit and store the result in Dn.