Chapter 3 Introduction to Operation
32 Assembling and Linking Multiple Sections
generate list files (program3.lst and program4.lst) respectively in the current directory (l option).
Adding debug information (g option) enables symbols to be used during debugging.
Let's take a look at the list files that were created.
The contents of the list file program3.lst are as follows.
Note that the symbol table is not displayed.
There is a plus sign '+' before line numbers 9 and 10. This indicates that the object code does not have
final values. This is because the two functions data_set and time_filler do not exist in this program, so
the call addresses will not be resolved unless linked. That further means that this list file is not the final
list file.
Line number 11 also has a plus sign. This indicator warns that the line contains a symbol that is not
assigned a final value until linking.
Finally, notice that the list begins from location 000000. The start addresses of section format programs
are specified with the linker. Here the assembler uses relative values beginning from 000000 as
location counter values.
program3.lst Page 1
*** PanaX series Series MN1030 Cross Assembler ***
Loc Object Line Source
1 global main
2 global data_set,
4 _CODE_00 section CODE, PUBLIC, 1
00000000 5 main
00000000 9000 6 mov 0, A0
00000002 2CFF00 7 mov 0xff, D0
00000005 2D8000 8 mov 0x80, D1
00000008 F8FEFCFCFF00000 +9 jsr data_set
00000010 00F8FE04 9
00000014 F8FEFCFCFF000000 +10 jsr time_filler
0000001c 00F8FE04 10
00000020 CA00 +11 bra main
13 _DATA section DATA, PUBLIC,4
00000000 00000000 14 data1 ds 4
15 end