Chapter 6 Using Linker
110 Instruction RAM Support
File layout and transfer operations for an instruction RAM executable file
1. Use the linker's T and OVL layout options to divide the program into a fixed portion (A) and an
instruction RAM portion (B). The linker assigns the latter to a location in external memory
immediately following the former.
2. The linker automatically generates the instruction RAM program management table (C) at the
address specified with the PUT option. If there is no specification, the table immediately
follows the instruction RAM portion.
3. The linker resolves address references to other portions of the program assuming that the
instruction RAM portions are running at the specified addresses in instruction RAM.
4. The linker creates an instruction RAM transfer unit for each -OVL option, making entry for
each one in the instruction RAM program management table. The transfer program (D) obtains
its parameters from this table during actual transfers.
5. When the program runs, the actual code for an instruction RAM portion referenced must be in
the instruction RAM. The software must call upon the transfer routine to copy the necessary
code into the instruction RAM immediately before it is referenced.
6. The instruction RAM status management table is for use by the debugger in determining how
the instruction RAM is currently being used.