0032-051 0032-057
0032-051 Invalid count argument
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad
description of the type of error that occurred.
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COUNT
0032-052 Invalid datatype argument
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad
description of the type of error that occurred.
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TYPE
0032-053 Invalid tag argument
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad
description of the type of error that occurred.
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.
Error Class: MPI_ERR_TAG
0032-054 Invalid communicator
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad
description of the type of error that occurred.
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.
Error Class: MPI_ERR_COMM
0032-055 Invalid rank
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad
description of the type of error that occurred.
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.
Error Class: MPI_ERR_RANK
0032-056 Invalid request (handle)
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad
description of the type of error that occurred.
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.
0032-057 Invalid root
Explanation: This is an MPI error class, returned by MPI_Error_class. It provides a broad
description of the type of error that occurred.
User Response: See the entry for the specific error code returned by the MPI function.
Error Class: MPI_ERR_ROOT
Chapter 5. MPI Messages 109