Chapter 2. Preparing to Use the Advanced Print Utility
Before building your first APU print definition, review the following installation and planning considerations:
vªAPU Prerequisites and Optionsº
vªInitial APU Setupº on page 14
vªFont Installation Considerationsº on page 16
vªReview Document Resource Requirementsº on page 16
vªUsing Fonts with APUº on page 18
vªImage Resourcesº on page 24
vªOverlay Resourcesº on page 26
vªBar Code Resourcesº on page 29
APU Prerequisites and Options
Print Services Facility for iSeries (PSF for iSeries) is the AFP printing subsystem on OS/400. PSF for iSeries is used when AFP print files are to be printed on Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) printers. Since APU creates AFP output, PSF for iSeries is required to print APU applications to IPDS printers. AFP output files can also be printed on
AFP Font Collection provides comprehensive libraries of AFP fonts for use in APU applications. Standard document typefaces, such as Helvetica, Times New Roman, and Courier, are included in over 48 languages. The font libraries are provided in 240 dpi (dots per inch), 300 dpi, and outline formats, corresponding to different printer resolutions.
A note on Examples
The examples in this publication assume that you have read and write access to the QAPU library and to the resources it contains. You may need to contact your system administrator to get this authorization. If the QAPU resources have been moved, you may also need to obtain the name of the locally defined library name where these resources are stored.
AFP Utilities for iSeries consists of three utilities that complement APU applications:
vOverlay Utility provides the capability to create electronic forms.
vPrint Format Utility enables you to create quick, specialized applications, such as bar coded labels.
vResource Management Utility assists in managing overlay and image resources.
Client Access for iSeries, in addition to client/server support, integrates the AFP Workbench into the Windows or OS/2 client. This provides full graphical viewing
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